Category: Work Environment

Work Environment

What Influence Do Colors Have At Work?

A good working environment contributes to the well-being of employees and the offices are decorated, the space is well organized and comfortable… but have you thought about the colors? Without even realizing it, they each have an effect on our brain which changes our mood, our way of seeing things (creativity, productivity, decision-making, concentration…). What colors to choose to decorate, paint the spaces (offices, break room, meeting room, etc.)?

What Impact Do Colors Have At Work? Which Ones Are To Be Favored?

Add Color, But Don’t Overdo It

We recommend that you add color to your work spaces, but that obviously doesn’t mean that every room has to be colored. Color must be used sparingly (i.e. walls, furniture, accessories) so that it does not have a bad impact on employees.

The Different Colors


The blue is the color of creativity . It is ideal for jobs requiring creativity and proposing ideas (architects, researchers, graphic designers, show props, etc.). It soothes and allows you to work better. It is even recommended to have a blue wallpaper. However, so that it does not have an anesthetic effect, it is advisable to combine it with other colors (green, pink, yellow).


The green represents balance, relaxation and activates both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously. Thanks to this color, you are more focused, more relaxed (perfect for a break room or a library). It allows you to be more regular in your work. It also gives confidence and helps to hold on in the event of failure. If you want to bring green to your spaces, don’t forget the plants .


The red is a stimulating hot color . It allows to have self-confidence and makes more productive (activation of the left hemisphere of the brain). Be careful, however, not to overdo it. Too much red would risk annoying and exhausting employees, but also making them less precise.

Yellow And Orange

The yellow and orange are the colors of communication and happiness. It is good to use them in the entrance of your company or in your meeting room for example. They are useful for decision making and increase self esteem .

Pink And Purple

The pink is trigger positive emotions, and a sign of friendliness. It soothes and decreases stress. The purple meanwhile, lets you be more productive.

White, Gray, Beige, Black

The white, beige, gray and black are achromatic colors, the most used in offices in France (8 out of 10 people working in offices with white walls). It’s sober, it’s beautiful, white brings light… However, you must absolutely avoid them if you want to work in good conditions! They arouse no emotion, hinder productivity, reduce creativity and annoy employees. Worse, according to a study conducted by the University of Texas, gray, beige, or white desks lead to sadness and depression, increasing the risk of burnout by 25% .